Darmstadt Days of Photography / Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie is an annual, three-day photography festival that takes place in April.
To enrol in lectures, symposium, etc., you can fill out a form on the website.
Since 2008, the €5.000,- Merck Award of Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie is awarded to one of 35 nominees whose work best represents the festival’s central theme.
The theme of the 2010 edition is TIME: “The idea of time extends over all photographic genres. Reflections on the concept of time offers many starting points: time is eternal, over, latent, a snapshot, a project, a sequence, time is biographical, prose, interim time – now is in a way always.”
Directors of the festival are Albrecht Haag and Alexandra Lechner, who also make up the curatorial team together with Ute Noll, Rüdiger Dunker, Prof. Dr. Kris Scholz and Gregor Schuster.